课程名称 | 动物生理学及实验 | 所属 课程组 | 遗传与发育生物学课程组 |
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课程代码 | 英文 类别代号 | BIOL: |
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适用专业 | 生命科学各专业 |
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课程类别 | 学科或专业方向课程 | 课程分类 | 理论课+实验课 |
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总学分 | 总学时 | 理论教学学时 | 实验教学学时 | 实践教学学时 |
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3 | 64 | 32 | 32 | 0 |
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先修课程 | 普通生物学、生物化学等 |
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一、课程简介 |
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动物生理学是生命科学相关专业的主干课程。理论课主要帮助同学理解动物和人体的基本形态和结构,掌握神经肌肉生理的基本理论和基本概念,掌握动物和人体各系统(消化、循环、血液、呼吸、排泄、内分泌和神经系统)的生理功能及其调节机制,掌握动物和人体各系统(消化、循环、血液、呼吸、排泄、内分泌和神经系统)的生理功能及其调节机制。了解生理学的进展及其应用。实验课主要是学习和掌握动物生理学的基本实验技术和方法,帮助同学掌握生理学的基本理论和基本概念。 |
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二、培养目标 |
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掌握动物生理学的基本理论和基本概念,了解动物生理学的研究内容和发展概况。了解动物生理学研究的基本手段和基本方法,掌握动物生理活动的基本过程和调节机制。培养动物生理学的学习和研究思路。为将来从事动物学和生理学的进一步学习和研究打下坚实的基础。 掌握动物生理学实验的基本手段和方法;掌握动物生理实验的基本手术过程和技术;掌握对动物各系统,包括神经、肌肉、血液循环、呼吸等生理活动的观察、记录、分析等技术;能够设计并进行具有综合性质的实验。 |
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三、课程思政目标 |
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通过生理学发展进程中的历史人物和故事,培养学生的科学探索精神。 通过介绍我国科学家在生理学研究发展中贡献,培训学生的爱国情怀和社会责任感。 通过生理学研究历史和过程,培养学生的创新意识和科学精神。 通过实验课的训练,培养学生严谨细致的科研工作作风和吃苦耐劳的品质。 |
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四、教学方法 |
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授课+实验+学生课程主题PPT汇报 |
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五、主要内容及学时安排(融入课程思政内容) | ||||||||||||
章(或节、实验项目) | 主要内容 | 课程思政映射与融入点 | 学时安排 | 实验项目类型(实验项目填写) | 是否虚/实(实验项目填写) | 实验项目修读要求(实验项目填写) | ||||||
理论部分 | ||||||||||||
1 | 绪论 | 介绍生理学研究历程,讲解国内生理学家研究经历和科研精神,培养学生科学兴趣、探索精神和爱国情怀 | 1 |
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2 | 细胞膜的转运机能 | 介绍细胞脂质双分子层探索过程中跌宕起伏的科学故事,培养学生求真务实的科研作风 | 1 |
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3 | 神经的兴奋与传导 | 介绍神经传导中Galvani与Volta等科学争辩、并各自证明发展成电生理和伏特电池的科学故事,培养学生坚持真理、追求真理的精神 | 2 |
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4 | 兴奋在神经肌肉之间的传递 | 介绍我国生理学家张锡钧与英国生理学家戴尔等人合作发现乙酰胆碱的过程,培养学生爱国主义情怀 | 2 |
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5 | 骨骼肌的兴奋与收缩 | 通过介绍肌肉收缩原理和学说,讲解重症肌无力、渐冻症等神经肌肉连接障碍疾病,评述抗疫人民英雄张定宇事迹,培养学生科学探索精神和奉献精神 | 2 |
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6 | 神经系统的基本原理 | 通过讲述1906年高尔基和卡哈尔因为神经不同学说的发展共同获得诺贝尔奖,却在获奖致辞中激烈争论的科学故事,激发学生学习兴趣和探索科学的热情,鼓励大家争鸣科学问题。 | 2 |
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7 | 神经系统的运动机能 | 通过讲解帕金森病,让学生关爱老年人群;同时青年人群由于吸毒等不良行为,发病率不断攀升,提醒青年学子自觉远离毒品、珍爱生命。 | 2 |
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8 | 神经系统的感觉机能 | 通过近些年神经系统感觉受体获得诺贝尔奖,激发学生学习生命科学兴趣,鼓励他们积极投身科学研究 | 3 |
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9 | 神经系统的高级机能 | 通过讲解巴浦洛夫高级神经活动学说创立和发展过程,激励学生学习兴趣和科研热;通过讲解华人学者钱卓教授发明聪明鼠,激发学生民族自信 | 1 |
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10 | 循环系统 | 通过讲解维萨里、哈维等人在血液循环系统的科学探索和贡献,提升学生科学兴趣 | 3 |
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11 | 血液 | 讲解血友病、白血病等疾病发病原因,提示学生关爱身边弱势群体 | 1 |
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12 | 消化系统 | 通过讲解Barry J. Marshall发现幽门螺旋杆菌的过程及其在胃炎胃癌中作用,特别是他在自己身体做实验,鼓励学生坚持科学探索,用于为科学献身的精神 | 2 |
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13 | 呼吸系统 | 通过介绍呼吸系统以及相关疾病,特别是新冠肺炎,培养学生科学精神、奉献精神和家国情怀 | 2 |
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14 | 排泄系统 | 通过讲解鲍曼氏囊的发现过程,激励学生探索精神 | 2 |
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15 | 能量代谢和体温调节 | 讲述十七世纪意大利医生圣托里奥在自己身上了做了很多饮食、睡眠、工作等代谢相关实验,鼓励学生科学探索 | 1 |
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16 | 内分泌系统 | 通过讲解甲状腺激素及相关大脖子病、呆小症等疾病,提醒学生注意营养均衡、健康饮食,同时关注弱势人群。 | 3 |
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17 | 复习,考试 | — | 2 |
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实验部分 | ||||||||||||
1 | 绪论,生理实验信号采集系统的使用 | 讲解动物伦理,提高学生爱护珍惜动物意识;强调实验室安全,提高学生安全意识和紧急情况下避险的能力。 | 4 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
2 | 刺激强度、频率与骨骼肌收缩的关系 | 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 4 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
3 | 神经干动作电位的测定 | 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 4 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
4 | 期前收缩和代偿间歇 | 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 4 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
5 | 蛙心灌注 | 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 4 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
6 | 家兔的呼吸运动的调节 | 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 6 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
7 | 家兔减压神经放电
| 通过动手实验,提高学生吃苦耐劳的精神,提升科学研究兴趣 | 6 | 演示性 验证性 | 实 | 提前预习、实验后撰写实验报告 | ||||||
合计 | 64 | |||||||||||
六、考核方式与要求 | ||||||||||||
考试+考查 成绩由理论课成绩(占70%)和实验成绩(占30%)组成。其中理论课部分,平时考查占30%,期末考试占70%。平时考查成绩由课堂考勤、课堂测验、课后作业等构成。 | ||||||||||||
七、选用教材/教辅材料 | 动物生理学(第四版),陈守良,北京大学出版社,2012 实验课:动物生理学实验指导,2015,自编教材 | |||||||||||
八、主要文献资料或相关数据库 | 无 | |||||||||||
九、课程网站等支持条件 | 无 | |||||||||||
十、其它信息 | 无 | |||||||||||
大纲制定者:何承勇 大纲审定者: 大纲制定时间: | ||||||||||||
XMU Undergraduate Course Syllabus
Course name | Course group | Genetic and developmental biology | |||
Course code | 150110010012 | Category code | BIOL: | ||
Course can be shared with | Each major of life science | ||||
Course type | □Basic Common Courses 公共基本课程 □General Education Courses 通识教育课程 □Disciplinary General Courses 学科通修课程 þSpecialized Courses 学科或专业方向性课程 □Other其它教学环节 □Disciplinary Courses专业课程 □Electives Courses任选课程 □Extra Courses 方案外课程 | Course focus | □Lecture □Experiment □Skill-training □Practical þLecture + Experiment □Lecture + Practical | ||
Credit | Total learning hours | Lecture | Experiment | Practical | |
3 | 64 | 32 | 32 | 0 | |
Prerequisites | General Biology,Biochemistry | ||||
1.Course description | |||||
Animal physiology is a major course in life science. In the theory lessons, the main goals are to study the basic morphology and structure of animal and human, to understand the basic theory and concepts concerning neuromuscular physiology, and the physiology of each system such as digestion, circulation, blood, breath, excretion, endocrine and nervous system in animal and human, to comprehend their regulating mechanism, and to know the progress of the physiology and its application. In the experimental lessons, the main goals are to learn and master the basic researching technology and methods about animal physiology, and to further understand the basic theory and concepts in physiology.
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2. Learning goals | |||||
After studying of this course, students should master the basic theories and concepts in animal physiology, should know the research content and the development of animal physiology, should understand the basic studying methods of physiology, to master the basic process of physiological action and regulating mechanism, building a solid foundation for further studying physiology.
After the experimental lessons, student should know the basic researching technology and methods about animal physiology. Everyone should be familiar with the observing, recording and analyzing methods of each systemic physiology, including the nerves, muscles, blood circulation, respiration, and other physiological activities, and able to design and carry out some comprehensive experiments.
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3. Moral education goals | |||||
We shall bring up the patriotism and social responsibility of the students by knowing the scientists and their story during the development of physiology; and developing the innovatingconsciousness and scientific spirit by studying the history and process of physiology; and training the style of seriously work and tough character by experiment.
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4.Teaching approaches | |||||
Theory course, experiments as well as presentations by students | |||||
5. Content outline of the course (including moral education elements) | ||||||
Chapter(Section or experimental item) | Content | Main point of moral education | Learning hours | Type of experimental item | Real experiment or virtual simulation experiment | Requirement of experimental item |
Theory course | ||||||
1 | Introduction | Introduce the history of physiological research, explain the research experience and research spirit of domestic physiologists, cultivate students' scientific interest, exploration spirit and patriotic feelings | 1 |
2 | The transfer function of the cell membrane | Introduce the ups and downs of scientific stories in the process of exploring the cellular lipid bilayer, and cultivate the students' realistic and pragmatic style of scientific research | 1 |
3 | Nerve excitement and conduction | introduce the scientific debate between Galvani and Volta in nerve conduction, and proves the scientific stories of electrophysiology and volta battery respectively. It aims to cultivate students' spirit of adhering to truth and pursuing truth | 2 |
4 | Transmission of excitation between nerves and muscles | introduces the process of the discovery of acetylcholine by Chinese physiologist Zhang Xijun and British physiologist Dale | 2 |
5 | Excitation and contraction of skeletal muscle | introduces the principles and theories of muscle contraction, explains neuromuscular connection disorders such as myasthenia gravis and ALS, comments on the deeds of Zhang Dingyu, the people's hero of anti-epidemic, and trains students' spirit of scientific exploration and dedication | 2 |
6 | The basic principle of the nervous system | By telling the scientific story of Gorky and Cajal who won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for the development of different neural theories, but had a fierce argument in the acceptance speech, this paper stimulates students' interest in learning and enthusiasm for exploring science, and encourages them to argue about scientific issues. | 2 |
7 | The motor function of the nervous system | Through the explanation of Parkinson's disease, let students care for the elderly people; At the same time, the incidence of drug abuse and other bad behaviors among young people is increasing, which reminds young students to stay away from drugs consciously and cherish life. | 2 |
8 | The Sensory function of the nervous system | Through the recent Nobel Prize for sensory receptors in the nervous system, it inspires students' interest in learning life sciences and encourages them to actively engage in scientific research | 3 |
9 | The Advanced function of the nervous system | By explaining the creation and development process of Pavlov's theory of higher neural activity, it stimulates students' interest in learning and enthusiasm for scientific research. By explaining the invention of smart mouse by Professor Qian Zhuo, a Chinese scholar, we can inspire students' national confidence | 1 |
10 | Blood | Enhance students' interest in science by explaining the scientific exploration and contribution of Vesalius, Harvey and others in the blood circulation system | 1 |
11 | Circulatory system | Explain the causes of diseases such as hemophilia and leukemia and remind students to care for the vulnerable groups around them | 3 |
12 | Digestive system | By explaining the process of Barry J. Marshall's discovery of Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and gastric cancer, especially his experiments on his own body, students are encouraged to adhere to scientific exploration and the spirit of dedication to science | 2 |
13 | Respiratory system | Through the introduction of respiratory system and related diseases, especially COVID-19, the students are trained in scientific spirit, dedication and patriotism | 2 |
14 | Excretory system | By explaining the discovery process of Bowman's bursae, students are encouraged to explore | 2 |
15 | Energy metabolism and thermoregulation | The story of the 17th century Italian doctor Santorio in his body to do a lot of diet, sleep, work and other metabolic experiments, encourage students to explore science | 1 |
16 | Endocrine system | By explaining thyroid hormone and related diseases such as large neck disease and nerdy syndrome, students are reminded to pay attention to balanced nutrition and healthy diet, and pay attention to vulnerable groups. | 3 |
17 | The final exam |
| 2 |
1 | Introduction: The use of physiological signal acquisition system | Explain animal ethics and improve students' awareness of caring and cherishing animals; Emphasis on laboratory safety, improve the safety awareness of students and the ability to avoid emergencies. | 4 | Demonstrative experiment Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
2 | The relationship between stimulus intensity, frequency and contraction of skeletal muscle | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 4 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
3 | Determination of action potential of nerve stem | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 4 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
4 | Premature systole and compensatory pause | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 4 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
5 | Frog heart perfusion | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 4 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
6 | Regulation of respiratory movement in rabbits | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 6 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
7 | The depressor nerve discharge in rabbits | Through hands-on experiments, improve students' hard-working spirit and scientific research interest | 6 | Demonstrative and Confirmatory experiment
| Prepare the experiment report in advance and after the experiment |
Total | 64 | |||||
6. Assessment methods and requirements | ||||||
The test and check: results by the theory result (70%) and the experiment result (30%). The theory part, usually check accounted for 30%, final exam account for 70%. Usually test results are composed of the class attendance, classroom test and homework, etc. | ||||||
7.Textbooks/References | Chen Shouliang, Animal physiology (4th edition), Experiment course: the self-made teaching material | |||||
8.Major literature or related databases | none | |||||
9.Website |
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10.Others |
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Filled out by: Chengyong He Approved by: Date: |
英文类别代号 | 代号英文说明 | 代号中文说明 |
ANTH: | Anthropology | 人类学类课程; |
ARCH: | Architecture | 建筑类课程; |
ARTS: | Arts | 艺术类; |
AUTO: | Automation | 自动化类课程; |
BIOL: | Biology | 生物科学类课程; |
BUSI: | Business Administration | 工商管理类课程; |
CHEE: | Chemical Engineering | 化工类课程; |
CHEM: | Chemistry | 化学类课程; |
CHIN: | Chinese | 中国语言文学类课程; |
CIVL: | Civil Engineering | 土建类课程; |
CSCI: | Computer Science | 计算机科学类课程; |
ECON: | Economics | 经济学类课程; |
EENG: | Electronic Engineering | 电子工程类课程; |
ELIN: | Electrical Information | 电气信息类课程; |
ELIS: | Electronic Information Science | 电子信息科学类课程; |
ENGL: | English | 英国语言文学类课程; |
ENVS: | Environmental Science | 环境科学类课程; |
FREN: | French | 法国语言文学类课程; |
GERM: | German | 德国语言文学类课程; |
HIST: | History | 历史学类课程; |
JAPA: | Japanese | 日本语言文学类课程; |
JOUR: | Journalism | 新闻传播类课程; |
LAWS: | Laws | 法学类课程; |
MATH: | Mathematics | 数学类课程; |
MATL: | Material | 材料类课程; |
MECH: | Machinery | 机械类课程; |
MECM: | Clinical Medical | 临床医学类课程; |
MEDN: | Nursing Medical | 护理学类课程; |
MEPH: | Pharmacy Medical | 药学类课程; |
MEPM: | Preventive Medical | 预防医学类课程; |
METC: | Traditional Chinese Medical | 中医学类课程; |
MIED: | Military | 军事学类课程; |
OCEA: | Oceanography | 海洋科学类课程; |
PHIL: | Philosophy | 政治学类课程; |
PHYC: | Physics | 物理学类课程; |
PHYS: | Physical Education | 体育学类课程; |
POLI: | Political Science | 政治学类课程; |
PUBM: | Public Management | 公共管理类课程; |
RUSN: | Russian | 俄罗斯语言文学类课程; |
SENG: | Software Engineering | 软件工程类课程; |
SOSA: | Sociology and Social Anthropology | 社会学类课程; |
IDPE: | Ideological and Political education | 思想政治教育类课程; |
ENER: | Energy Science | 能源科学类课程; |
ASTR: | Astronomy | 天文学类课程; |
MELM: | laboratory medicine | 实验医学类课程; |
MEEC | Clinical Medical (English Courses) | 英文授课临床医学类课程 |
KORN: | Korean | 韩国语言文学类课程 |
ITAL: | Italian | 意大利语言文学类课程 |
ARAB: | Arabic | 阿拉伯语言文学类课程 |
MALA: | Malay | 马来语言文学类课程 |
PERS | Persian | 波斯语言文学类课程 |